
Your home maintenance checklist

Taking care of your home not only keeps it looking good, but can also ward off expensive problems in the future. Here’s an easy checklist to keep your property in tip top condition!

Annual objectives

The great outdoors

Garden and pool maintenance is an ongoing effort throughout the year, but some months can put greater strain on it than others. Have your pool pump and filter checked, as well as serviced on a regular basis. With the current water shortages, any leak could be extremely costly to both your pocket and the environment.

Summer time might be great for swimming but it’s also a busy time for bugs. The hot weather can often lead to influx of all things creepy and crawly. If you live in a summer rainfall area, the humidity and wet weather might drive them indoors as well. Keep an eye out and at the first sign get a professional inspector in.

Your gutters play an important role in maintaining your home. A blocked gutter during the rainy season can cause serious problems, which can become a nightmare to fix during bad weather. Have them checked before the rain comes.

Keeping the outside out

When the cold, wet and windy weather hits, the last thing you want is any of it getting inside. Start by checking your external windows and doors, just to make sure they all close and seal properly. If it begins to rain and they aren’t, they will not only let cold air in but could swell and create further issues.

If you have a gas fire place, make sure it’s serviced. The pipes and bottles are often kept outside, and can perish due to exposure to the elements.

Good and clean and fresh

It’s not called “Spring Cleaning” for nothing. When the seasons change, embark on a thorough clean out of your house – not only will this keep the occupants healthy, but it also gives you a chance to assess each room and spot any issues that went undiscovered during winter.

Spring is also the time to take stock of your garden, especially trees and bushes. Prune and cut away any dead wood that might have occurred during winter.

Refresh after every 2-3 years

Windows, walls and all

While winter was lashing your home with stormy weather, you would have had a chance to really see how your house behaved, especially your windows. Wooden windows need constant maintenance, and a good re-varnish every 2 to 3 years. If you noticed drafts during winter, or water getting in, you might need to get the putty or the glass replaced.

While you’re varnishing windows, ensure other large wooden objects like garage doors receive the same treatment.

Once the weather clears, it’s a great time to give your house a little extra shine. While most companies will claim their paint will last 10 years or more, it’s a good idea to have the outside of your home repainted every 2 or 3 years. Not only does this keep your home looking good, but it helps ward off cracks and weathering that might lead to damp.

Regular painting will also require less paint and labour than massive repaints every 10-15 years.

Think long term: 5 years and more

Keep the roof over your head

Regardless of the type of roof you have, they all require regular inspections to ensure there are no leaks.

Thatch roofs require constant maintenance, and need to be inspected at least every 5 years. While it is unlikely to need a total replacement, some sections might have weathered differently due to their exposure, meaning minor repairs could be required.

Tile roofs should be inspected every 5 years, but you can also keep an eye on it yourself. Go up into the attic and shine a torch above you. Be on the lookout for any damage or water stains on the tiles. If you live in an area where there might be a lot of debris thrown on your roof, have a professional inspect the roof every few years. Your tiles will only need painting every 5-7 years.

Metal roofs need to inspected by a professional every 5 years. This is especially true for older roofs as the quality, type of metal and paint used can play a part in how it has weathered.

Slate roofs do not require painting, but do require regular inspections as the tiles can break from falling debris.

Keeping up appearances

While summer is great for external maintenance, use winter wisely as well. If you live in a winter rainfall area, this is the perfect time to get any internal painting, varnishing or repairs done. Internal paint doesn’t weather as much as outdoor paint, but it can become dirty. Start by cleaning your walls every year to properly assess them for any wear and tear before deciding to paint.

Flooring is often forgotten during home maintenance. However, you can lose a lot of heat through a badly looked after floor. If your flooring is starting to come apart, has holes in it or is in general disrepair, you should consider redoing it. When relaying floor, ensure they place the correct insulation between it and the concrete slab.

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